”The Father’s House” on the capital’s main square
”Father’s House” took part at the Social Projects Fair under the patronage of Kyiv mayor Chrnovetskiy Leonid on June 6th on Independence Square in Kyiv. The event was made with a purpose to make citizens of Kyiv acquainted with different directions of social work of government and non-government organizations.
The activity of Foundation was represented by Raisa Shelashskays – director of ”My Family” center of Family Care, Vadim Vergulesov – director of the Center of ”Father’s House” Social Care for Children, Lyudmila Litvin – assistant to director of ”New Family” adoption department and Eugenia Nikiforova – ”Father’s House” ICF PR manager.
During the Fair we had a chance to represent all directions of ”Father’s House” activity.
We are very glad that thanks to this action more people had a chance to know about Father’s House. And we believe that this information will give its fruits – new adoptive parents, friends and partners!